Aerial view of North Park University campus with Chicago skyline.

About North Park University

Title IX

Sexual Misconduct

As a Christian institution of higher education, North Park is committed to providing a living, learning and working environment characterized by mutual respect among students, faculty, and staff. To effectuate this commitment, North Park University’s policies set clear prohibit any form of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct is an umbrella term and encompasses discrimination based on sex. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking and retaliation.

The Title IX Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to all members of the campus community: students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This policy outlines prohibited behavior, reporting options and the available resolution processes.

The information below is intended to help you answer several questions, and point you to resources you may need regarding sexual misconduct and related issues:

Report Sexual Misconduct

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law prohibiting sex discrimination by entities that receive federal funds, including educational institutions. The law is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. The Department of Education has promulgated regulations to implement Title IX. The regulations appear at 34 C.F.R. Part 106.

Title IX and the implementing regulations state that “no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The definition of “program or activity” includes all the operations of an educational institution that receives federal funds.

North Park’s policy aligns with our Christian principles and federal and state laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

Who is responsible for implementing the policy?

All University administrators are responsible for ensuring that policies are followed, just as all members of the North Park community are expected to adhere to the policies.

Coordination of these efforts and responsibility for implementation of, and compliance oversight for, the Title IX Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy, including prompt and equitable resolution of any complaints, is managed by the University’s Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators.

Individuals who wish to report sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, domestic or dating violence, or stalking can do so by phone, in person, or by email at A member of the Title IX Team will respond promptly during business hours.

The Title IX Team encourages all individuals to learn more about their rights, reporting options, and resources and support here.

Title IX Coordinator
Elizabeth Fedec
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students
Student Engagement
(773) 244-5664
Room 151, Center for Student Engagement, first floor, Johnson Center

Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Emily Wagner
Director of Seminary Student Life and Formation
Room 108, first floor, Nyvall Hall
(773) 244-6219

Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Jessica Nagle
Room 151, Center for Student Engagement, first floor, Johnson Center
Direct: (650) 383-4753 ext. 145

Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Bisrat Kidane
Head Track & Field Coach and Assistant Cross Country Coach
Gym Basement
(773) 244-5678

Mailing Address
North Park University
3225 W. Foster Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625

Training materials can be accessed here.

Who should I contact if I want to file a complaint, submit a report, or understand my options?

The Title IX Coordinator or their Deputies are designated to coordinate the University’s response to end, prevent and remedy the effects of sexual misconduct. They play an integral role in carrying out the University’s commitment to provide a positive and enriching living, learning, and working environment for all community members.

Please note that the Title IX Coordinator and Deputies are not confidential. They are private resources who will keep any information as private as possible, only sharing on a need-to-know basis to be able to respond to reports or complaints and end misconduct.

Confidential Advisors (No Duty to Report)

The University has designated employees to serve as confidential advisors, meaning they are not required to report disclosures to the Title IX Coordinator. Advisors can explain how to report to the University, the police or both. They can explain the effects of reporting; how to obtain resources and support on and off campus; supportive measures, protective orders, no-contact orders, and upon request connect you with campus authorities who can secure measures and accommodations. You can find a list of advisors below:

Counseling Support Services, 3317 W. Foster Ave., 773-244-4897

Health Services, 3317 W. Foster Ave, 773-244-4897

University Ministries: Center for Student Engagement, first floor, Johnson Center 4983


Responsible Employees (Must Report)

University administrators (vice presidents, deans, directors), faculty, head coaches, resident directors, and resident assistants, along with staff members of Campus Safety and Security and the Office of Human Resources, are designated as “Responsible Employees.” This means they are required to report potential policy violations to the Title IX Coordinator. They will keep any information obtained as private as possible, only sharing information on a need-to-know basis.

What should I do if I witness or experience a potential violation?

Members of the University community should contact a Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator if they are personally subjected to, or they observe, conduct that may be in violation of the Policy, including any conduct believed to constitute sexual violence, exploitation, misconduct or harassment; other non-consensual sexual act; discrimination or harassment on the basis of gender, or any form of retaliation for having rejected or complained of conduct violating the Policy. This includes acts of discrimination in employment, admission, programs, or activities and any act of physical violence (e.g., rape or other sexual assault). (Click here for additional information on what to do in cases of sexual violence.) In the event of any form of violence or threatened violence, Campus Safety should also be informed:

Office of Campus Safety

  • Emergency: (773) 244-5600
  • Director of Campus Security: (773) 244-5222

Anyone witnessing or experiencing a potential violation may also contact the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”) to ask questions about Title IX and other equal opportunity laws applicable to recipients of federal funds or to make complaints. The Chicago branch of OCR is located at:

CHICAGO IL 60661-4544
Telephone: (312) 730-1560
Fax: (312) 730-1576

What happens if I make a complaint?

Depending on the nature of the complaint and taking into account the complainant’s preferences, complaints are resolved through an informal process which may include mediation and/or investigated and determined through a formal complaint procedure. Both processes are described in the Policy. Click here to see the complaint procedures.

Both informal and formal processes assure a fair and impartial resolution on a prompt basis. Informal processes are usually completed within a period of five to ten business days. Formal investigations (the first step in the Formal Complaint Process) are ordinarily concluded within thirty days of the complaint and the complainant and the charged party notified of the outcome. The amount of time involved in the second part of the process—levying a sanction if a complaint is substantiated—varies depending on the sanction and the status of the charged person. Sanctions that do not require a hearing (e.g., for staff, or less severe sanctions for students and faculty) are levied within a few days of the investigation’s conclusion. If a hearing must be convened (e.g., in the case of severe sanction against a student or faculty member), the time period and procedure for determination is governed by the Student Handbook, respectively. Determinations are made based on the preponderance of the evidence. Other remedial measures would be put in place within 30 days of the conclusion of the investigation.

If the complaint is substantiated, corrective action may be taken against the person(s) found responsible for the violation including discipline up to expulsion/discharge from North Park. Additional remedial measures may also be taken to ensure that the complainant and the North Park community in general continue to enjoy the full benefits of a non-discriminatory environment. Remedial measures may be taken either at the conclusion of the complaint process or on an interim basis, as necessary.

Are complaints confidential?

All complaints are investigated on a need-to-know basis. Hearings may also be held in private rather than public settings when the complaint involves sensitive matters in order to maintain the greatest level of confidentiality possible. However, typically, individual accountability cannot be established without disclosure of the complaint to at least the individual charged with violating the  Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy.

A complainant may request that the complaint be treated as confidential – i.e., not disclosed to the person alleged to have committed the violation. Since such requests may prevent full resolution of the complaint, the Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinators will assess whether it is possible to honor the request without jeopardy to the community at large. The applicable Coordinator will take into account North Park’s ability to resolve the complaint without disclosing the complainant’s identity or the details of the specific allegations to the subject of the complaint.